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What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It’s a technology that delivers television programming through internet protocols rather than traditional cable or satellite methods.

Do I need a special TV to use IPTV?

No, you don’t need a special TV. IPTV can be accessed on various devices, including smart TVs, computers, smartphones, tablets, and dedicated IPTV set-top boxes. As long as your device can connect to the internet, you can use IPTV.

Do I have to pay for updates ?

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because HOOIPTV is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

What is our quality servers?

We are first the best service provider on internet, and we provide no freezing technology with 99% uptime.

How to pay for my іртv subscription?

For the Payment of your subscription we only accept Payment via Credit Card, Debit Card and Cryptocurrency

What steps should I take after making a payment?

Just allow our team some time to process your order. We will email you with the details as soon as possible after verifying your payment.

How does IPTV work?

IPTV works by streaming TV channels and content over an internet connection using IP (Internet Protocol) technology. Viewers can access content on various devices.

What do I need for IPTV?

To use IPTV, you need a stable internet connection, a compatible device (smart TV, computer, smartphone, etc.), and an IPTV subscription

What's the difference between IPTV and cable/satellite TV?

IPTV offers greater flexibility, often at a lower cost, and you can watch content on multiple devices. Cable and satellite TV use traditional broadcasting methods.

Can I watch live sports on IPTV?

Yes, HOOIPTV services offer live sports broadcasts.

Can I use IPTV outside my home?

Yes, HOOIPTV services allow access from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for travelers.

Do you have a problem?​

We are here to help you 24/7, feel free to contact our technical support team.